Frequently Asked Question
British Cable Network®CATV has been designed to be
simple to use and exciting to explore. Nevertheless, we are
including answers to some common asked questions for your
Q1: what is a cable TV?
Q2: How does cable Television work?
Q3: Do I need to be home for the installation?
Q4: what are some general dos and don’ts?
Q5: what is a set Top box?
Q6: I receive only 16 channels on my TV, whereas
a friend of mine who is also a cable subscriber is receiving
all 65 channels?
Q7: what is a channel Expander?
Q8: what is a cable ready TV? Do I need consider
it while buying a TV set?
Q9: Why do I get double images on channels like
PTV and STN while the rest of channels look fine?
Q10: What should I do if my TV set is not
receiving any programs?
Q11: What if I move?
Q12: What about emergencies?
Q1: what is a cable TV?
A: Cable TV is a transmission network used for distributing TV
programs. Cable TV started in 1948, and today it serves
billions of people across the world. Due to its tremendous
technology revolution, Cable TV is no more restricted to TV
programs only but it has proven to be a very strong media for
value added services like Internet. Cable TV promises to bring
miraculous changes in domestic lifestyle.
Q2: How does cable Television work?
A: Cable television brings you more channels and generally
better reception that off-air reception of broadcast
television, since TV signals travel to your home by
cable-rather than through air.Television stations from your
local area, across the country and around the world are
brought into your home through miles of high-technology cable.
Your television reception is uninterrupted by trees, buildings
and other surface obstacles. In addition to certain local TV
stations, communications satellites let you receive many
additional channels via cable TV.
television programs are produced in many locations around
the world.
programs are transmitted to communicate satellites that
orbit the earth. These satellites stay in a fixed position
22,300 miles above the earth, allowing them to transmit to
your community.
satellites dishes receive these signals.
The cable
television “Head-End”----the control centre---- processes
these satellite signals, along with the signals from your
local TV stations and other sources. So they can be
transmitted over our cable system to your home.
quality television programs are brought to your home via
hundreds of miles of cable, either strung on the same poles
that carry your telephone or electric service, or buried
Q3: Do I need to be home for the
A: Some one over 18 years old of age must be home during the
installation of your cable television service. This will
ensure a thorough and complete installation and will allow you
to become more familiar with your cable service and equipment.
Q4: what are some general dos and don’ts?
A: Here are some few tips to keep your cable connection
operating safely and reliably:
severe electrical storms you should unplug your TV set and
set top box to avoid damage. Your cable company and set
manufacturer are not responsible for damage which occurs due
to acts of nature.
your set top box operates on 220 volts, so take all the
precautions which you would for any small appliance – such
as to see that the cord is not worn or damaged.
For your
own safety, do not attempt to open or otherwise tamper with
your set top box or any other cable.
If you have
someone other than us install the inside wiring in your
home, or if equipment you do it yourself, ensure that it
complies with applicable governmental regulations and does
not interfere with the normal operations of the cable system
and other communications systems and devices.
Q5: what is a set Top box?
A: Many television sets cannot receive the large number of
channels offered by cable. The set box is simply a tuner; it
converts the cable channel selected by the customer to a
low-numbered channel, typically 2, 3 or 4. Tune your
television set to the “output” channel of the set top box (for
example: chq. 3). Programs may then be selected by tuning the
set top box to the desired channel. The set top box sends the
channel through to the television set on the output channel
(for example: ch.3). Most cable-ready sets may not require a
set top box to receive the non-scrambled channels. Some
television components such as VCRs, cable –ready sets and
remote control televisions are not always compatible with your
cable television service. We encourage you to make sure
components you purchase are compatible with your cable
television service. For further information, please call
customer support. The set top box also provides our customers
with the option to use “parental control” to block out
channels they wish not to view.
Watching your television after connection to cable is easy.
Just turn on your television set and the set top box. Make
sure that your TV is turned to the output channel of your set
top box (ch. 2,3 or 4), then select the channel you want to
watch by using the controls on either the set top box or the
hand held remote control device. To ensure reliable operation,
make sure the converter is plugged into a “live” electrical
outlet, not one which is controlled by a light switch. Loss of
cable service even after the power is restored.
Q6: I receive only 16 channels on my TV,
whereas a friend of mine who is also a cable subscriber is
receiving all 65 channels?
A: It seems that you have a TV set which does not have the
facility to receive hyper band channels. Earlier TV sets were
designed to receive only 11-16 channels, however as a result
of rapid growth in the communication industry; today we have
more number of programs available for viewing. Newer TV sets
are equipped to receive transmissions for hyper band channels.
If you would like to watch all 65 channels then you shall opt
for either of the following.
Purchase a
set top box
Get your TV
tuner changed to cable ready tuner
purchase a
cable ready TV
Q7: what is a channel Expander?
A: It is also known as a set top converter or a set top box.
The function of this device is to convert all the channels
being transmitted through cable into a frequency range any
ordinary TV (even black and white) can receive all the
Q8: what is a cable ready TV? Do I need
consider it while buying a TV set?
A: yes, you definitely need to consider it if you are buying a
new TV set. Sets with in – built cable ready tuner are capable
of receiving all channels. We are currently transmitting 65
channels and in future, we’ll be transmitting even many more.
That’s why it’s an important point and needs consideration.
Q9: Why do I get double images on channels
like PTV and STN while the rest of channels look fine?
A: PTV, STN and PTV World are local terrestrial channels
transmitted in the air by Pakistan Television Network. These
programs are available to TV sets directly from TV’s
transmitter as well as from a cable TV control room. Due to
path difference in signals, you receive double images.
Technically, this is known as ghost in picture. Subscribers
near PTV towers will have more problems. Rests of the channels
are received directly from various satellites that are why the
quality of other channels is good. Since this is a technical
limitation, we regret inconvenience; however, if the quality
of reception is extremely poor, then you must register your
complaint with our customer care team by calling us or
visiting our office.
Q10: What should I do if my TV set is not
receiving any programs?
A: a) Make sure that the TV connectors is properly
fitted in the TV, as 90% complaints are due to connectors that
come out due to movement of TV rack.
b) Check and ensure that screws of the converter
are tightened properly. Your cable is connected to the main
cable laid on your rooftop or on a street pole.
c) Check for any damage in the cable connected to
your TV set. After checking all the above points, if you still
do not receive the signals, please call customer service.
Q11: What if I move?
A: BEFORE YOU MOVE, please call your local cable company
immediately. This is the best way for us to disconnect your
service, and to arrange for cable TV service in your new home.
Call us in advance, and we will schedule a new installation,
provided that your new home is in our service area.
Q12: What about emergencies?
A: Emergencies such as fallen power poles or violent storms
may interfere with reception of cable service. We will
promptly have one of our crews correct an emergency situation.